What should be the attitude of parents on the child's mistake?

Mistakes are always made by humans. In this matter there is no difference between small and big. What matters in such situations is how you react to t

Mistakes are always made by humans. In this matter there is no difference between small and big. What matters in such situations is how you react to the mistake.

Children usually make small mistakes like breaking a dish or spilling water on the carpet, etc. After such mistakes, you should take such an attitude that the child will be corrected. Arab magazine "Sedati" has mentioned some important points suggested by experts in this regard.

The mistake was accidental

How often does a child get jelly on his dirty shirt or drop a dish on the kitchen floor? Instead of freaking out on such occasions, you should ask yourself whether it was an intentional mistake or just a coincidence.

Usually this happens suddenly. Children do not do this with regular thinking. Treating this mistake as accidental is the first step.

Thanking the child

When your child admits a mistake, thank him for telling you about it.

Give the child the confidence to let you know if he can't do something or is having trouble. Otherwise he will suffer from the fear of failure.

Mistakes, a source of learning

Mistakes often make children experienced. When they are not shamed for making a mistake, they are able to understand what to do and what not to do next.

Prevention of common mistakes

Children make mistakes, but you can prevent such mistakes properly.

For example, you can protect your household items. Keep valuables out of children's reach and separate children from each other if there is a risk of them fighting in play.

In such a situation you can divert them to other activities.

Sorry for the mistake

Praise your child if he apologizes after making a mistake. Build a relationship of trust, unconditional love and honesty between you and your child.

Make the child feel that if he overturns a glass of water on the table, he can admit his mistake and apologize for it without hesitation.

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