Do you know a common cause of hair loss?

Do you know a common cause of hair loss?
Hair fall is a natural process with advancing age, but many people lose hair before they age.

Today we are going to tell you about the common reason why many people lose hair before age and suffer from baldness.

According to the Mayo Clinic of America, people who experience a lot of stress, their hair starts to fall out very quickly and the rate of regrowth slows down. Often the hair loss due to stress is temporary, but many times the effect is permanent and the signs of baldness become noticeable.

How does stress affect hair growth?

According to a study, there are 4 stages of hair growth and in people who are stressed, these stages are affected, due to which hair growth stops and hair fall accelerates.

According to experts, stress increases the risk of 3 types of hair loss. One of these types is Telogen effluvium, during which the hair follicles become inactive, leading to excessive shedding during brushing or washing.

The good thing is that treatment is possible when this type of diagnosis is made.

Another type is alopecia areata, in which the body cells of the victims attack the hair roots, causing hair loss from different parts of the head. If alopecia is experienced as a result of stress, regrowth of hair is possible, but the stress must be controlled. The third type is Trichotillomania, in which people suffering from stress tend to pull their hair and break it, and the hair does not grow back.

Why does stress cause hair loss?

This mechanism was discovered in a 2021 study on mice. Research has discovered that when the body's levels of the stress hormone cortisol increase, the hair follicles stop functioning or become inactive. When these functions are inactive, hair does not grow but hair breaks. The findings show a link between stress and hair loss, the researchers said.