Happiness in Salad : Eating Salad Improves Mood,

Most people seem to ignore salad because of its taste, but many studies have shown that eating salad can improve a person's mood. Recently, a survey w
Happiness in Salad : Eating Salad Improves Mood,

Most people seem to ignore salad because of its taste, but many studies have shown that eating salad can improve a person's mood. Recently, a survey was conducted in Australia, which was part of a research program, This survey was conducted on 12,000 people over the age of 15. According to the results of this survey, eating vegetables, fruits and salads improves the mood of a person. Experts say that vegetables and salads are great for the human body. They are an investment and they also improve the mental condition of a person. In this context, a small experiment was conducted in an American university, which included 100 students. These students were asked to eat some fruit, salad or vegetable daily and avoid eating fast food, chocolates and donuts etc. When all subjects followed these instructions, they experienced significant reductions in anxiety and depression and increased mood over the next ten days. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 40 university students. The results of this research found that people who eat vegetables and fruits are happier and more energetic. After that, a survey conducted in 2021 in eight countries, including the United States and France. It was also revealed in the meta-study that eating vegetables and fruits not only improves the health of a person, but also improves mood. The reason for the improvement in the mood of a person by eating salad is the important minerals present in vegetables and fruits, which are important for the brain. Give immediate and better effect.

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