Scientists have discovered a new blood group

But have you ever heard of Er blood group? If not, then know that scientists have discovered another new blood group. This discovery can be important
Scientists have discovered a new ER blood group

What is your blood group? Most people's answer will be A, B or O.

But have you ever heard of Er blood group? If not, then know that scientists have discovered another new blood group. This discovery can be important in the treatment of people with this blood group. What separates blood groups from each other is antigens. Proteins or carbohydrates that add to the blood and stimulate the production of antibodies. This new blood group is called Er or erantigens and there are 5 genetic types.

British researchers discovered this new blood group for which they used the latest DNA sequencing and gene editing technology. They discovered the Piezo1 protein in this blood group. The results of this research were published in the journal Blood. The discovery could help develop new tests to identify new blood groups, according to the researchers.

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